to Dugo Selo!
The town of Dugo Selo is in the eastern part of Zagreb County, about twenty km from Zagreb.
Its eleven town precincts (Dugo Selo, Andrilovec, Kopčevec, Kozinšćak, Leprovica, Lukarišće, Mala Ostrna, Velika Ostrna, Prozorje, Puhovo, Donje Dvorišće) cover an area of 51 km2, with a population of 17,861.
of St. Martin
The first historical mention of the town is tied to 1209 and the deed from King Andrew II in which he donated the land of St. Martin (Terra Sancti Martini) to the Knights Templar.
This historical heritage has been preserved to this day and Dugo Selo is known far and wide as the town of St. Martin.
to reach us
Dugo Selo can be reached in about 20 minutes by passenger train from the Central Station in Zagreb.
If you come by car, we are on the Zagreb-Bjelovar highway, and if you are on the Zagreb-Slavonski Brod motorway, take the Rugvica exit.

Wine events
Following the tradition of the town’s patron saint, St. Martin, Martin Breg (Martin’s Hill) is full of vineyards and winery cottages.

Relaxation with walks, cycling, sport fishing...

the sights
Explore religious buildings, museums, galleries, monuments, ethnic houses...


St. Martin’s Church on Martin Breg is the oldest and most important cultural and historical monument in the area.
It was built in 1209 and dedicated to St. Martin the Bishop. The church’s surroundings are an archaeological site, and these discoveries underscore the possibility that the church was built on the foundations of an older Templar church.
It was the parish church until the 19th century, when it was damaged by the earthquake of 1880 so that the parish seat was moved to a newly-constructed church in Dugo Selo.

The hillock in the northern section of Dugo Selo, 204 m high, has always been a popular place for the town’s residents to take strolls and a favourite spot for outings by many visitors. Following the tradition of the town’s patron saint, St. Martin, Martin Breg (Martin’s Hill) is full of vineyards and winery cottages. Just opposite the Church of St. Martin is the town vineyard, cared for by the Dugo Selo Winegrowers Association. A large wood sculpture of St. Martin has also been installed on Martin Breg. Its pedestal has motifs of vineyard work and the town’s name carved onto it. Traditional winegrowing observances, such as the Feast of St. Vincent and Martinmas, are held here, and the grape harvest obviously has great importance.

St. Martin’s Way is a unique link between European Martinian traditions and the symbols of Via Sancti Martini, the road traversed by St. Martin. Centuries later, his steps link the places dedicated to St. Martin, bringing the people in them closer and promoting common values.
Dugo Selo, proud of its Martinian tradition, joined the sites on this great route through Europe on 4 July 2007. A step on St. Martin’s Way was installed on the wall of the old 13th century St. Martin’s Church on Martin Breg. Dugo Selo was thereby officially incorporated into the international travel itinerary with its point of departure in the French city of Tours, in which St. Martin had served as bishop.

The first written trace of the Templars in the area of Dugo Selo is a deed from 1209 whereby King Andrew II granted the Knights Templar the land of St. Martin.
The Templars had probably already been there earlier – it is assumed that there was an older, pre-Templar church, possibly on Martin Breg, and that one of the Templar seats, St. Martin’s Preceptory, was in the vicinity of Dugo Selo.
Its administrator, or preceptor, was last mentioned in documents dated to 1311. A year later, in 1312, the Templar order was disbanded, and their estates in Croatia were assumed by the Hospitallers.

At the foot of the oldest cultural and historical monument in Dugo Selo, St. Martin’s Church, the 7 m high wooden statue of the town’s patron, St. Martin, proudly stands. It is the work of sculptor Josip Cikač. A smaller version of this statue is Dugo Selo’s official souvenir.

The remains of the Drašković family’s manor can be found in the very heart of the town, in the Count Drašković Gardens. Today all that remain are the tower, a well, the centuries-old building of today’s courthouse and the gardens, the former grounds of the count’s estate. In 2023, the historical palace of the Drašković counts will become the Culture Centre.
On holidays and weekends, you can often see Countess Drašković herself in the Gardens – she tells visitors many fascinating tales and describes life during the heyday of the Drašković family.

Ciglana I, a recreational fishing pond and lake, is located 3 km from the heart of Dugo Selo. The fishing pond is open to all anglers, and also the site of traditional events such as fishing tournaments during the Dugo Selo Autumn Festival.
Covering a surface just under 1 ha. with an average depth of roughly 1. 5 m, it is home to freshwater white fish (bream, pigo, chub, roach, bleak…) and small catfish, Prussian carp, perch, rudd…
The lake and pond are cared for by the Dugo Selo Recreational Fishing Club, so all of their competitions are organized here.

The Dugo Selo Walk&Bike project is currently being implemented. As a result, the town will acquire almost 6 km of new hiking and bicycling trails, and over 5 km of extant hiking trails will be adapted to this purpose.
Dugo Selo can boast an excellent pump track training ground.
It was opened in May 2022, intended for cyclists, rollerbladers, skaters and roller skaters, and is reputed to be the largest and best pump track in Croatia.
Javni poziv za potpore manifestacijama
Predmet javnog poziva je dodjela bespovratnih sredstava TZG Dugog Sela za manifestacije lokalnog, regionalnog ili međunarodnog značaja, kao glavnog motiva dolaska turista u destinaciju, a koje doprinose sljedećim ciljevima:
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Advent u Dugom Selu 2024.